I was at a meeting when I got a tweet from @TankUnitt saying that GiveMeTap was just on BBC1. I rushed over to iPlayer when I got home and switch on the BBC1 programme Rip Off Food and watched as they talked about bottled water vs tap water. They conducted a taste test where over half over the contestants preferred tap water over everything else. Time and time again this is the preferred choice. It just goes to show that tap water rules!
What was really exciting was when the presenter said ‘If you really want to save money, you better get back on Tap!“. The presenter then said that people should backed the GiveMeTap movement. Check out a still from the iPlayer website of GiveMeTap on TV! Cool right?!
We want to thank one of our fantastic Water Providers, Tea, for letting the BBC1 use their premise to capture the footage.
Here are some more snaps (sorry I am just really excited)
Share this with everyone please and let’s get people drinking TAP!
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