Check out new message in a bottle. Let me know what you think? Good or bad.
Check out new message in a bottle. Let me know what you think? Good or bad.
This is your store’s blog. You can use it to talk about new product launches, experiences, tips or other news you want your customers to read about. You can check out Shopify’s ecommerce blog for inspiration and advice for your own store and for your store’s blog. How do I...
From the simple act of purchasing a GiveMeTap bottle, we’ve been able to provide 114 people with clean drinking water, in Malawi. Changing their lives forever! **Help spread the word so that we can provide clean water to everyone and say goodbye to #ThirstyThursday
From the simple act of purchasing a GiveMeTap bottle, we’ve been able to provide 114 people with clean drinking water, in Malawi. Changing their lives forever! **Help spread the word so that we can provide clean water to everyone and say goodbye to #ThirstyThursday
#ThinkingThursday - How do you change the world? With Love.
#ThinkingThursday - How do you change the world? With Love.
With your wonderful support and purchases of GiveMeTap bottles, we have transformed the lives of 114 people by building a water pump in Chafulumira Village in Mchinkji District, Malawi. We collaborated with PumpAid to complete the water project so that we could bring a source of clean drinking water to 14 households: 14...
With your wonderful support and purchases of GiveMeTap bottles, we have transformed the lives of 114 people by building a water pump in Chafulumira Village in Mchinkji District, Malawi. We collaborated with PumpAid to complete the water project so that we could bring a source of clean drinking water to 14 households: 14...
I was at a meeting when I got a tweet from @TankUnitt saying that GiveMeTap was just on BBC1. I rushed over to iPlayer when I got home and switch on the BBC1 programme Rip Off Food and watched as they talked about bottled water vs tap water. They conducted...
I was at a meeting when I got a tweet from @TankUnitt saying that GiveMeTap was just on BBC1. I rushed over to iPlayer when I got home and switch on the BBC1 programme Rip Off Food and watched as they talked about bottled water vs tap water. They conducted...